What Exactly is a Confined Space

What Exactly is a Confined Space?

Wondering how to define a confined space?

There is legislation on confined spaces as well as confined spaces training, but we must all remember that the primary reason for managing confined spaces is to insure that we do not put our people at risk.The definition of a confined space may vary depending on jurisdiction, and the one I’m going to talk about is actually based on the Safe Work Australia model, the WHS regulations, and the limited space code of practise.

Confined space can be defined as an enclosed or partially enclosed location. For example, a tank and an open top tank will be considered to be partially enclosed or the vessel may be fully enclosed. It is not intended or intended primarily to be occupied by a person. It’s not something like a control room or something like that.

  • It is designed to be at normal atmospheric pressure. If we enter confined spaces where there is no atmospheric pressure, this will be a completely separate set of circumstances.
  • It is likely to contain an unsafe oxygen level atmosphere.
  • It may contain contaminants, such as airborne gases, vapour dust, which may cause fire or explosion damage.
  • It could also contain harmful concentrations of any airborne contaminants.
  • And last but not least, engulfment could have been included.

In accordance with legislation, to define a confined space as a confined space,

  • It has to be enclosed or partially enclosed.
  • It must not be intended or intended primarily to be occupied by a person.
  • It must be designed to be under normal atmospheric pressure.

And it must include one of the following:

An atmosphere with an unsafe level of oxygen,
A pollutant,
Harmful concentrations of airborne contaminants or
Engulfment, man.

Any one of them is going to make it a confined space.

Once you define it as a confined space, there will be other hazards that we need to look at, for example,

Is there any electrical power entering that confined space?
Is there any mechanical energy in the confined space?
Is there a manual handling of injuries?

These alone would not make it a confined area, but we still need to manage the risks associated with it, and they are often seen and categorised as a restricted area.

In some organisations, they include restricted areas in their enclosed space entry procedures, and it is therefore necessary to check within your workplace to determine what the local requirements are.

Process of risk management

The determination of a confined space should be made through the formal application of the risk management process. In fact, you need to go through and systematically set out the criteria for that confined space.

Now, some examples of confined space are going to be things like that.

The Choice,
The Pip,
A duct that,
The fireplaces,
Silos, Silos
Pressure ships,
Underwater sewers,
Wastewater drains,
It’s tunnels.

The legislation and the specific definition of what a confined space is not. For example, a mine shaft or a place designed for a person to occupy, such as a cool room.

You need to refer specific information on confined spaces to your regulator. And you will generally find that, within the codes of practise in most jurisdictions, there is a flow chart for you to follow to help identify the confined space.